The Quad’s Venetucci Farm Project team, pictured above, is steadily working on their final report and presentation to be delivered to the Pikes Peak Community Foundation the first week of December at the Pinery in downtown Colorado Springs.
Last week, the Fall Venetucci Farm project team finished research on ideas presented by the Quad Summer Intensive Venetucci Farm project team. The current fall team also explored and analyzed new ideas to present to the Pikes Peaks Community Foundation. The mid-point presentation that we discussed in our project update a few weeks ago proved to be a great opportunity for the team to refine project goals, outcomes, and direction. New approaches, in addition to already discovered pathways, were developed from the feedback received from the Pikes Peak Community Foundation and the team is confident in the progress on the project these past few weeks.
The team has been fortunate to have representatives from GE Johnson as well as a representative from a local commercial real estate company weigh in on the Venetucci Farm project. The community involvement in this project has given students insight in regards to working effectively with local populations and taking their input into consideration. The team is looking forward to reviewing GIS drone mapping done of the farm by Colorado College and is also planning a meeting with the Economic Development Project Manager for the City of Colorado Springs. These ideas, among others, will be passed on to the spring semester Venetucci Farm team. This up and coming team will create a final deliverable that will consist of several high yielding sustainable options for the future of the farm.
The fall team hit the ground running this semester. The natural chemistry between team members has allowed them to work well together even though they face the ever so common issue of conflicting schedules that we see often in the corporate world. The team did lose a key team member this semester, Jyotsna Khattri-Chettri. She was also a team member this past summer with the project during the Summer Intensive. Jyotsna accepted a “could not pass up” opportunity with the Colorado Department of Transportation. Even so, she continues to be a vocal leader with the Venetucci Farm project team and is assisting the efforts of the team and the project as her time allows. We are excited that she was able to pursue the opportunity and wish her the best!
Looking forward, the team is busy putting finishing touches on their final report and presentation to the Pikes Peak Community Foundation board the first week of December at the Pinery in Colorado Springs.